How to Op Shop in Perth

How to Shop…Op in Perth! Written by Kelly Wayne   Photo Credit: Kelly Wayne, You Got That At An Op Shop?! This is the first installment of a two part series about Op Shops in Perth by Kelly Wayne from You Got That At An Op Shop?! Op shopping in Perth and across Australia is having an amazing resurgence of late.  Why, just recently the winner of the Fashions on the Field at the 2012 Melbourne Cup was wearing an op shopped number!  And who hasn’t found themselves humming Macklemore’s latest tune, “Thrift Shop” at some stage? It seems second hand shopping is no longer just for those in need of cheap, affordable clothing & furniture and it’s no longer something to be embarrassed about.  And being an avid op shopper in Perth, I’m here to tell you why. Today we’re all about quick fixes, upgrades, new versions, current trends and, in order to keep up with the “latest”, a lot of yesterday’s stuff gets thrown on the rubbish heap.  However we’re starting to…
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